Poetry: Standing On My Tippy Toes – Reading

2 minutes


Today I decided to finally start sharing my own poetry through readings, something I have shied away from. Here’s my first one. My favorite from When I Stopped Remembering Tomorrow (2020).

It felt really good to share my voice speaking my poetry because I tend to only share it when I do a reading live. But that doesn’t help those of you not in my area. I teach every one of my clients to overcome their fear and share their poems in their own voice, so why do I not do it?! I am no longer going to not be my own best client. Hold me accountable.

Your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready. -Unknown

Overlaid over a picture of metamorphosis and a butterfly flying.

If you’d like to read more of my poetry, be sure to follow me on IG at www.Instagram.com/ShellVera333

About “When I Stopped Remembering Tomorrow”

My hope in writing this book is that you will let it speak to those hurt and shattered places within you that feel beyond repair. My prayer is that you allow it to show you that there are others who have stood where you are and understand what you feel. If you do that, I believe you will find the beginning of your healing, a key to stepping out of your prison, and the first opportunity to truly believe you have a voice others need to hear. Because you do.

By sharing poetry I’ve written throughout my life and reflecting on my journey to become the woman I am today, touching upon sensitive topics and things we don’t often discuss publicly, I prove that even the most broken people can reach a place of wholeness that is indescribable and beautiful. It won’t be easy. It will mean trusting yourself to rise above words spoken over you, forgiving yourself and others, and giving yourself permission to take risks that feel uncomfortable and crazy, but it’s worth it. I’m proof of that.

If you’re ready to stop building shrines to yesterday and writing scripts for tomorrow, join me on my journey to forgetting tomorrow and learning how to love this moment and all it encompasses. That doesn’t mean that you don’t set goals or that you don’t think about the future. It means you allow yourself the freedom to live so fully in this moment that you are open to the possibilities of becoming one you once thought impossible. You won’t regret it when the true you emerges and you start to shine like the treasure you are.

Want to read someone else’s thoughts first? Try this post that made me cry! (Thank you, Carol!)

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11 responses to “Poetry: Standing On My Tippy Toes – Reading”

  1. I loved your reading of this poem and wonder why you hesitated to do so. You have a lovely voice Shell Vera. I listened to it a couple of times and followed along in your book.
    I hope you will share more of your readings and perhaps if you do you could give the page number of the poem you are reading.
    Many thanks for sharing and bravo for conquering your fear.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Carol. It’s funny that I can speak to thousands in front of me and not feel nervous… but recording a video makes my heart flutter! Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, next time I would be happy to share a page number for those with paperbacks. It’s different on Kindle due to formatting and how your settings are, so it’d be different for each Kindle reader.

      You’ll catch that I changed up a few words, as I tend to do often when reading aloud, which may be why I worry about reading them aloud. But you’re right… I just need to do it.

      Thanks for always being so encouraging. I shared your site and book with my EGroup last night when they asked about prayer books. ❤️💜❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much Shell Vera. Much, much appreciated. I’m aware I have not been active about promoting my books which I hope to change this year.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Please let me know if I can help in any way!! I miss seeing your posts and just SMILED SO WIDE to see your name on my notifications!!!!! I hope you’re well Carol.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Dear Shell,
        Thank you so much for your lovely endorsement. I’d value your prayers for me to be immediately obedient to God, and to faithfully follow through with my commitments. Whilst my heart soars to hear you have missed my posts, I also feel guilty for not being a consistent blogger.
        Bless you Shell and have a wonderful weekend! 💖 😘

        Liked by 1 person

      4. No guilt needed. Our consistency is in posting when the spirit leads. As long as we are doing that, we are in the right place on the right schedule my friend!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this idea of sharing poetry readings! How creative!
    I have to say as well that the title of your book “When I Stopped Remembering Tomorrow” really struck a cord and resonated with me. It makes me feel like the content really would as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I am a fan of the book myself but it’s because I poured my heart into it and shared a story that’s really personal to me but has helped a few people already. I wrote the book so folks in similar circumstances would know they aren’t alone, as well as to dispel some myths that are out there. It was definitely a project filled with love and healing. If you read it definitely let me know what you think. I will admit I’ve relapsed a bit during Covid and started thinking a lot about the future again. At times it’s been very disappointing, but it’s in those times I’ll go back and read my words and it helps me reset back to Day 1 of living here and now fully!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve thought about sharing my poems on my YouTube channels but it still scares me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes…I understand this. However, when we do it, it feels fun and liberating. Even without any views, it’s like, “I have now spoke it aloud and shared it.” It’s weird that I’ll share love but feel weird doing it online. I don’t get it. Maybe because it feels like something I want to see the reaction to and find the person in the room it connects with most? I don’t know.

      If you share, please send me the link! I’d love to support your channel!

      Liked by 1 person

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